Friday, July 31, 2015

Senior Session with K

This senior was simply stunning!  She and her mom made us laugh throughout the entire session and before we knew it the session was over. 
Thank you for letting us capture this exciting time in your life!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

K is 9 months!

This cutie has been with us since her newborn pictures.  She is the sweetest little thing and makes our job so easy.  We have enjoyed watching her grow and cannot wait to see her again when she is one!!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Seniors Session with the G Twins!

These twins are kind, well mannered, incredible athletes, and just all around good kids.  We enjoyed every second that we spent with them and wish them only the best in their senior year and as they continue their amazing athletic careers in college!


Friday, July 24, 2015

Little K is One!

We photographed this sweet Momma while she was pregnant, then we took  little K's newborn pictures, and now she is one!

We love when our sweet newborns return to the studio so we can watch them grow!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Senior Session with A

This senior is kind, polite, mature, and fun.  We loved spending time with her and cannot wait to see what amazing things her future has in store for her.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Senior Session-Garrett

This session was full of excitement from beginning to end!  We just love Garrett and had a blast with him throughout this entire session.  We know he has a very bright future, and we cannot wait to see where life after Lower Dauphin takes him.