Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Favorites

I'm interrupting our just recently scheduled FriFr Favorites post with the most amazing blog post ever. Do you have a minute to read it? 

Most of you know already that Samuel Patrick Del Rio was born last Friday at 26 weeks and 6 days gestation. He is my Friday Favorite this week. 1 week old. A miracle among miracles. A life sustained by the giver of life. 

Here's my memory of how it happened....
So, last Friday actually last Thursday night Kate and I were talking and she thought she would be going home on Friday. Yes, going home to bed rest. Can I get an Amen for God and His provision? Thankfully the doctors had not sent Kate home yet because at 7:41am her water broke and thus began Samuel's entry into the world. He was born at 2lbs 6oz and he is doing amazing! I just can't say it enough. This little boy has blessed me beyond words. I have taken my own pregnancies and birth stories for granted. Holding my babies skin to skin for the first time for granted. As I watch Kate mother him and take in all of the information that the doctors and nurses are giving her, my heart just grows. My faith expands. God's hand is revealed over and over. Samuel has a long road ahead of him, but it is one that is already marked with goodness, with joy, with supernatural healing, with growth, with abundant love!   

1 Samuel 1:27 "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 

Kate and I were fortunate enough to meet some amazing clients along the way this past year and a half. And they all have an incredible story! They have touched our lives and hearts and we talk about them often. It was as if God designed these clients to walk into our studio at just the right time to share their story, to be a part of the bigger story. To give Him glory in all things. Samuel Patrick your life is by design. Your entrance into this world is a gift, a miracle. I stand in awe of you. I can't wait for the day to take your newborn pictures, to hold you and tell you some of these stories. To watch you run and dance and sing for joy! I had a vision the other night as I was praying for Samuel - I clearly saw him, all 2lbs 6oz of him, running around his isolette in the NICU, dancing and jumping up and VICTORY!! Yes, in victory! Samuel your life means so much to so many. You give hope and joy and you have brought victory upon entering this world. I love you already! 

So, today my Friday favorite is you little boy! Your life, your miracle, your story! 
Lovingly written by: Jaime Pollock

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