Saturday, December 5, 2015

Introducing our Amazing Intern, Kara!!

Whoohoo - we have been keeping an amazing secret since September and we can't hide her anymore! We have been so blessed and lucky to have an intern again this year and we are so excited to introduce her to you! 

Kara first came to us as a senior rep for the Class of 2016. We loved spending time with her during her session. We strolled around downtown Harrisburg and had a blast! We laughed, we danced and we got to know Kara and her awesome mom! When Kara inquired about an internship, we knew it would be a match made in heaven. 

Kara has been busy at work behind the scenes at Rare Love making marketing material, assisting at shoots and helping to open our NEW STUDIO! 

Kara is planning a future career in crime scene (forensic) photography......we sense a world changer among us! 

Kara you are strong, amazing, beautiful, kind-hearted, hard-working and truly a priceless gift to our business! We love and adore you! 

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