Friday, June 13, 2014

A Rainy Friday Favorite

Singing in the rain, oh singing in the rain....such a glorious feeling....well these days it is NOT so glorious! I literally told my children yesterday that I was going to get a full time job! And trust me, I don't really mean it, but being cooped up in the house certainly makes me feel like we all would survive with a little bit more joy if the sun would come out. 

In honor of the rain, we thought we would share our favorite rainy session with you. We had scheduled Emily's Senior Session for a Friday in April and were so excited to be working with her. She is an absolutely beautiful girl on the inside and outside! She radiates joy, she loves her family and she just has an amazing attitude! When we called her mom about the impending rain storm, we found out that Emily was already at the location site. So onward we went to get in as much of the session before the rain drops fell! 

Here are some shots from Emily's perfect rainy session: 

Emily you are amazing, you have a kindred spirit and your love of life shines through you! Your future is bright and the world is yours to conquer! 


  1. Gorgeous! The one where she is standing against the brick wall is my favorite. Oh and today's forecast looks like no rain!!!

  2. Thank you! She is a stunning senior!!!
