Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Favorites... Behind the Scenes!

This week we are going to tell you a few of our secrets.  Let you into our own world here at Rare Love Photography, and tell you what we do when no one is watching.

You may not know, but Rare Love photography is made up of three Moms who have chosen to stay at home to raise their children.  Between the three of us we have eight little ones ranging in age from eight to four months old.

We edit late into the evening, blog during nap time, have conference calls at 6am while our homes are still quiet, and set up newborn shoots in the late hours of the night or very early in the morning. This is the path that we have chosen here at Rare Love and we wouldn't have it any other way.

The three of us love what we do and are so incredibly thankful for all that we have been blessed with throughout this company, but the reality of it is, family comes first.  We are there to put our kids on and off the bus on school days, help coach our daughter's field hockey teams, take our little ones to birthday parties, and attend church with our families on Sunday mornings.  In reality we have the best of both worlds.

Another huge party of Rare Love being such a wonderful blessing and a success is our amazing clients.  You all are so good to us and are kind and patient.  Life happens, children get sick, our computers are some times hard to access, we get put on bed rest and welcome a baby before we expected to, and we even have an occasional trip to the hospital with kidney stones that throws us all for a loop.  Despite all of these bumps in the road you have trusted us, continued to return to us for more shoots, and complimented our work both in person and on the internet.  For that we are so thankful.

So there you have it... some of our secrets.  Your sessions are planned with love and attention, when capturing your photos you have our undivided attention, and when editing, we fix the pictures as if they are our own family or children.  With that being said.. we may or may not have a six month old on our lap while writing this blog!

Happy Friday Friends... we hope you have a relaxing weekend and find time to enjoy your families!

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