Thursday, September 25, 2014

Our New Intern

So here at Rare Love Photography we continue to be amazed at how quickly we are growing and developing this business into our dream.  Each day we meet new clients, learn new techniques, become better photographers, and the best part of all of this is that we get to share this with the next generation.

This Fall we have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with our first intern.  Avery is a familiar face to us here at Rare Love Photography and even came to us to get her Senior Portraits.

She is currently a senior at a local high school who is participating in a very unique co-op experience. She attends school until around 10:30 each day and then heads over to our studio to spend the next few hours with us on Wednesday-Friday.  On Monday and Tuesday she is working with a graphic design company in addition to working with us.

Not only do we feel blessed to be working with such a kind, polite, and hardworking young lady, but we also feel lucky to have the opportunity to share the knowledge that we have learned while navigating our what through this crazy world of photography with someone who is so eager to learn.

Avery is truly being thrown into the fire and is quickly experiencing all aspects of the business.  She is creating and editing postcards, fliers, and business cards.  Avery is taking pictures and learning how to edit those as well.  She attends sessions with us and has become a regular in our newborn sessions.  She willingly steps in where needed, adds her artistic input, and will give her honest opinion when we really need to hear the truth.  She is mature beyond her years and simply a joy to be around

We are so thankful for Avery, and we are excited to start yet another new adventure here at Rare Love Photography.  We feel our future is very bright here and we are happy to have Avery share in that, even if we only have her for a little while.

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