Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The H Family Session!

This is a great family. We  have had previous sessions with them and they came back for a family, extended family, and a 9 month session all in one! They are very fun and have lots of memories by all the jokes told that kept us laughing. You can just tell that they love to be together and are fun to be around! We joked and laughed a lot and are we are encouraged by the amount of joy radiating off of this family :)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday inspiration... Our clients!

Attention... this post is for past clients, future clients, potential clients, etc... so EVERYONE!

Where would we be today without you, our clients and followers? Today we are inspired by you! You are what keeps us going and doing what we love to do. We enjoy all of our sessions because each one is unique, personal, fun, and relational. Capturing the essence of a family, newborn, senior, child, etc. is exactly what we aim to do and that would not be possible without you. As our business grows and we create new or repetitive clients, we just want to thank you for the support you have shown and the opportunity you have given us to pursue our passion!

Today's photos feature one of our recent sessions: The P family! They are fun and love on these children! There was never a dull moment in this session :) And we LOVE the color coordination!

 {Happy Almost Thanksgiving}


Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Favorites.. Stylish Camera Bags?

Ever wonder how we transport the Rare Love cargo? We invest in the best! Today's friday's favorites feature our brand new camera bags!

We love our cameras and we love fashion! There is no better way to combine those two things than the Ephinanie camera bag! We got the Lola and the Stella (The first two bags in the picture below) They are brand new to rlp and we are loving them! These stylish camera bags meet every need and keep our camera equipment safe and sound while keeping us mothers in with the new trends ;)

Even Elle loves them!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Getting Real.. Jeremiah 29:11

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’"

Sometimes we say yes to a session totally thinking in our hearts that it will bless the family on the other end of the camera. That was the case yesterday. When we agreed to photograph the adoption for the Roush family we were convinced that it would be a blessing to them. That what we captured would forever be a treasure to this family. What we didn’t expect was how incredibly moved we would be and how blessed we would feel walking away from this adoption hearing. 

  We arrived at the courthouse with not much knowledge or experience of how the adoption proceedings would play out. What we knew was that this was an amazing act of love, generosity, kindness and goodness – the fruits of the spirit. What we experienced left us feeling like better people for having been invited into the courtroom. 

Jen and Larry are truly hero’s, they are the arms and feet of Christ walking this Earth. Will the next 10 or 20 years be without its challenges, probably not, but they have opened their lives and hearts, have bought a new home, new cars and expanded their roles from aunt and uncle to mother and father. And in all of our interactions with them, they have done it with a smile on their face and joy radiating from within them.

 Yesterday, Judge Hoover presided over the adoption hearing and his words brought Kate and I to tears. He said, ‘natural birth is God’s miracle. Adoption is God intervening and making a way for these children to have a home.’ He also declared Jeremiah 29:11, ‘for these children, for their future, for the plans that God has for them.’ 

I honestly was speechless to hear a judge freely proclaim his faith and make declarations. It moved me. It made me realize that God truly has His hand on everything, every little detail of our lives. He will use the hurt and heartache to bring glory to His Kingdom. He will right our messes. He will bring love where love has never been.

Jen and Larry, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the invitation to come and witness your adoption. You have beautiful souls. You are giving and kind. You are special parents to these 5 beautiful children that will grow up in your presence and with the presence of the Holy Spirit living in your home. May God bless you and continue to use you in mighty ways! 

Court Adjourned 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Noah's 1 Year Session!

This little prince traveled with his mom all the way from Philly for this session! We got to shoot his cousin's senior pictures and both sessions were so much fun. His whole family just dotes on him and loves on him. He is super fun and handsome and definitely the prince of the family! It made it that much more special with his cousins and aunt there. Noah stole the show and our hearts!
At one point, we even had four people changing his outfit! He is going to be a heartbreaker!


Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Inspiration

On this rainy day, we all deserve a little inspiration. Today, one of my teachers in gym class had us watch a video called "Ben Jackson- Win from Within." We are starting our fitness unit in class and it usually comes with moans and complaints from all the students not wanting to run or be tested in their fitness level. The video that we had to watch changed some opinions, including mine.

Lots of us strive for greater or have a passion for something difficult. For me it would be volleyball. For others it may be their job or, in many cases, another sport. While we have these passions, there usually seems to be many obstacles. This video is about a boy with Cerebral Palsy disease, but he did not want that to define him, so he pushed himself to be a wrestler and a lifter. I strongly encourage you to look it up watch it because it really puts some things into perspective. We really can do anything we set our minds to, no matter what the obstacle. While you are sitting at your work desk or going for a run, remember what you are working for. What is your goal? What do you want to define you and how are you going to get there?

I hope you are as inspired as I was when I watched this video. Check back on the blog tomorrow for another client post :) We are loving all of our holiday sessions! 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Favorites-Music

On a normal day at Rare Love, we would never be caught doing work without music in the background. We love to sing! (well we try) We constantly have pandora on set to the Crowder radio. It is all fun and uplifting music and the perfect upbeat tunes to keep us going! Occasionally, when little Elle comes in, we get to hear "Let it go" from Frozen ;)

Here are a few other of our favorite songs/artists for our RLP family:

Francesca Battistelli
All sons & daughters
Citizen way
Jeremy camp

Enjoy :)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Part of the RLP Family-Session with the S Family

Sometimes sessions are beautiful walks in the park! Sometimes they can be a little bit more work than that and sometimes they are just a blessing to us over and over. Today we are featuring one of our very own at Rare Love Photography - Jenny and her gorgeous family! This session was a blessing to us over and over - Slatt family we could shoot you guys all day, everyday!!! 

We couldn't wait to get back to Historic Acres of Hershey to shoot and it was the perfect backdrop for this amazing family of 5! Jenny and her husband dote on their kids and just have a real, sweet interaction with them. The session was fun, playful, genuine, loving and contagious! When co-workers are also some of your best friends you share lots of intimate conversations and aspects of life. Getting to photograph life milestones and getting to record moments in each others lives is priceless! 

Slatt family you are beautiful on the inside and out! We adore you all and were so excited to capture these memories for you! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Getting Real with Avery

It's hard to keep up with the pace of life. Before I know it, I'll be off to college with only stories from the high school days and the internship that got me to that new place where I want to go in life. Big decisions are ahead of me and as you may have already read a few weeks ago, I want to go to Taylor University. Taylor is in the middle of nowhere, Indiana. People ask why I want to go so far from home (9 hours), especially when I don't even know anyone there. The only answer that I can give is that it feels right. Its that feeling of "this is for me.. this is my school.. these are my kind of people." 
This season of my life is all about waiting for God's clarity. As life moves on, you must move with it and plan for the future. 
What does this season mean to you? A start to something new? or a refreshing of something already happening?
Either way, make this season one to remember.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mr. P - Senior

This senior session with Peter was definitely fun! Most boys don't like to get their picture taken, but Peter fell into the swing of it and they turned out great! He kept us laughing the whole time. We were super impressed at how sweet he was with his mother and we wish him luck finishing his senior year!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Getting Real with Kate

Getting Real with Kate Del Rio…..
Every night before Ella goes to bed I ask her….What were you thankful for today? She shares with me her “thankful” and then I tell her mine. Last night when I asked Ella what she was thankful for today, she said, “I’m thankful we took a family walk to vote.”   I told her I couldn’t agree more.
I seriously couldn’t agree more!
What a privilege to have the right to vote!! It is an honor that I have a vote into what happens with the future of my country.
Last night, as my little family strolled down the main street in Campbelltown headed to our local fire department to place our vote, I couldn’t help but feel so proud to be an American.

What I realized is that I often take for granted my life in a middle-of-Pennsylvania town. I can’t even imagine how far people had to walk… miles and miles…by foot or my horse to place ONE vote. Only one! And all the men and women that lost their lives and gave up so much because they believed so passionately in the right to vote. And to think we were just born into it. All we know is the right to vote.
When we got home, satisfying our need to take a stab at electing our leaders and feel American, I was proud of where I lived and honored that I was able to walk out my front door, on a beautiful November evening, with my family, vote and add my two cents to our country’s future.
God bless America…the land that I love!
 Vote for me.....
 Samuel Del Rio for President 2049!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Baby E!

Last week we had a sweet session with little miss E! She was such a breeze to work with and looked so adorable. It was so fun having this sweet family back after previously shooting a maternity session. They have so much love for these beautiful girls and little Mia is going to be the best big sister! Congratulations and blessings to this family and their new bundle of joy :)