Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Getting Real with Kate

Getting Real with Kate Del Rio…..
Every night before Ella goes to bed I ask her….What were you thankful for today? She shares with me her “thankful” and then I tell her mine. Last night when I asked Ella what she was thankful for today, she said, “I’m thankful we took a family walk to vote.”   I told her I couldn’t agree more.
I seriously couldn’t agree more!
What a privilege to have the right to vote!! It is an honor that I have a vote into what happens with the future of my country.
Last night, as my little family strolled down the main street in Campbelltown headed to our local fire department to place our vote, I couldn’t help but feel so proud to be an American.

What I realized is that I often take for granted my life in a middle-of-Pennsylvania town. I can’t even imagine how far people had to walk… miles and miles…by foot or my horse to place ONE vote. Only one! And all the men and women that lost their lives and gave up so much because they believed so passionately in the right to vote. And to think we were just born into it. All we know is the right to vote.
When we got home, satisfying our need to take a stab at electing our leaders and feel American, I was proud of where I lived and honored that I was able to walk out my front door, on a beautiful November evening, with my family, vote and add my two cents to our country’s future.
God bless America…the land that I love!
 Vote for me.....
 Samuel Del Rio for President 2049!!

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