Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Getting Real with Avery

It's hard to keep up with the pace of life. Before I know it, I'll be off to college with only stories from the high school days and the internship that got me to that new place where I want to go in life. Big decisions are ahead of me and as you may have already read a few weeks ago, I want to go to Taylor University. Taylor is in the middle of nowhere, Indiana. People ask why I want to go so far from home (9 hours), especially when I don't even know anyone there. The only answer that I can give is that it feels right. Its that feeling of "this is for me.. this is my school.. these are my kind of people." 
This season of my life is all about waiting for God's clarity. As life moves on, you must move with it and plan for the future. 
What does this season mean to you? A start to something new? or a refreshing of something already happening?
Either way, make this season one to remember.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! It's seems as if you're in one season, yet looking into the next to be able to prepare for it. Sometimes new seasons come upon us unawares and we have to scramble to adjust. Yet each season is kissed by God.
