Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Getting Real.. Jeremiah 29:11

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’"

Sometimes we say yes to a session totally thinking in our hearts that it will bless the family on the other end of the camera. That was the case yesterday. When we agreed to photograph the adoption for the Roush family we were convinced that it would be a blessing to them. That what we captured would forever be a treasure to this family. What we didn’t expect was how incredibly moved we would be and how blessed we would feel walking away from this adoption hearing. 

  We arrived at the courthouse with not much knowledge or experience of how the adoption proceedings would play out. What we knew was that this was an amazing act of love, generosity, kindness and goodness – the fruits of the spirit. What we experienced left us feeling like better people for having been invited into the courtroom. 

Jen and Larry are truly hero’s, they are the arms and feet of Christ walking this Earth. Will the next 10 or 20 years be without its challenges, probably not, but they have opened their lives and hearts, have bought a new home, new cars and expanded their roles from aunt and uncle to mother and father. And in all of our interactions with them, they have done it with a smile on their face and joy radiating from within them.

 Yesterday, Judge Hoover presided over the adoption hearing and his words brought Kate and I to tears. He said, ‘natural birth is God’s miracle. Adoption is God intervening and making a way for these children to have a home.’ He also declared Jeremiah 29:11, ‘for these children, for their future, for the plans that God has for them.’ 

I honestly was speechless to hear a judge freely proclaim his faith and make declarations. It moved me. It made me realize that God truly has His hand on everything, every little detail of our lives. He will use the hurt and heartache to bring glory to His Kingdom. He will right our messes. He will bring love where love has never been.

Jen and Larry, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the invitation to come and witness your adoption. You have beautiful souls. You are giving and kind. You are special parents to these 5 beautiful children that will grow up in your presence and with the presence of the Holy Spirit living in your home. May God bless you and continue to use you in mighty ways! 

Court Adjourned 

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