Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Favorites- Amazing Clients!!

Friday Favorite

We have the most amazing clients EVER. I wish I could triple the emphasis on that – I hope by the end of this post that each of you will understand just how much you have given to our lives and our business!
When we ventured into this business it was a scary first step. Not because the business aspect was scary (I come from a family of business owners), but because business can be demanding, it can be draining, it can consume your every thought and honestly because customers are always right and that can be defeating. That’s an honest statement and it might hurt us, but it’s the truth. If business owners got together and could confide with each other they would say that much is true. Customers know it and business owners just have to take it. Well I’m here to tell you that even though we have had some bumps in the road over the last year and a half, our clients have been ABOVE and BEYOND some of the greatest people we have ever met. We yearn to catch up with you and reconnect at each of your sessions!
When we set out on a session, our hearts are screaming let’s get to know each other better! What makes your heart tick, what makes you smile endlessly, what fills your joy tank? So, not only are you our clients, but also you have become our friends and part of our extended family. We love what we do and how we do it. It’s hard to take your passion and turn it into a business and have to follow business rules and guidelines but you guys have made it worth it!
Here is a glimpse of our amazing sessions so far this year: 

We Love Our Clients! 
(Click on the link above)

 We LOVE Our Clients!

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