Monday, July 28, 2014

Little O is One!!

Ok, ok I think I can safely say that this little man is one of the happiest 1 year old boys we have ever met! I mean seriously, his smile is infectious!

We first met Owen at his newborn session where we were totally smitten by him and his super sweet parents! To watch him grow over this past year has been such a gift. Time certainly doesn't stand still for any of us, but as photographer’s it amazes us how quickly we watch our newborns turn 6 months, and 9 months and 1 year old. To see the evolution of a babe is incredible. To start to see their personalities develop is priceless.

With all of his smiling and “flirting” one can only imagine what Owen would say if he could talk! This is my take on what he would say, “I’m cute, totally cute, you know you love me. I’m even cuter naked but mom is making me wear these silly clothes. See this big dude over here – he’s my dad. He’s a funny guy. We have fun together. And oh yeah, don’t mess with him.” J

Happy 12 months Owen! We know for sure that you have blessed your mom and dad, but you certainly have blessed the pants off of us as well!

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