Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Creative Consultant... Mom... Client... It can get messy!!

If they say doctors are the worst patients, then it should hold true that photographers (in training) are the worst clients.  
We just hit a milestone in our family, our daughter Molly who is our third born (and last) turned 6 months old.  When these milestones hit and you are a part of the Rare Love family, the first thing you do is schedule a session to have this important event captured through pictures.  

Now as a Creative Consultant when I'm preparing for an upcoming shoot I will do a "background" check, if you will, on the family.  I will find out about what they like or dislike.  If it's a newborn, I will find out what the nursery looks like.  Do they have siblings?  Will Mom and Dad be involved in the shoot?  And the list goes on.  I will plan the sets in my head, and go over and over them until they are near perfect.  Next, I will head over and clean the studio.  I will set up the backgrounds, pull out the wraps, lay out the beanbags, and get the heaters ready.  I will prep the studio to be absolutely perfect for Jaime, Kate, and the family we are expecting.

Now that's where Miss Molly comes in.  For Molly's 6 month shoot I did nothing!  When I say nothing, I mean nothing!  I just couldn't wrap my head around what I wanted for her.  I wanted everything and nothing.  I wanted her to look fancy yet simple.  I wanted her to be laughing and smiling the entire time like she is at home.  I wanted it all yet I planned nothing.  

I showed up at the studio with a huge bag of clothes that I threw together five minutes before walking out the door, handed over the car seat to our Intern/Baby whisperer Avery who immediately took care of Molly and just stood there.  Jaime and Kate asked what I wanted and I still just stood there.  I had no clue when it came right down to it, and that's when I realized this was so hard because today I was the Mom, not the Creative Consultant.  I was the one that was nervous about her daughter cooperating.  I didn't want to waste Jaime and Kate's time and I also wanted some great shots.  They saw my deer in the head lights look and just stepped in.  They took over, worked the magic that they always do and made the session perfect.  Molly didn't smile her ear to ear smile that we are used to, but it didn't matter.  I stressed and was sweating the entire time. I apologized to these girls and they told me I was being silly. I saw things from the other side of the camera that day.  I wasn't shooting, or designing the sets, or comforting the parents that day.  I was the Mommy on the other side of the camera.

I am thankful that I had this experience with Jaime and Kate.  It not only makes me love and appreciate them so much more, but it gives me the chance to relate to the clients.  To be able to read our client's faces and feelings when they come to a session.  To see that they are nervous and hopeful. Stressed and excited all in the same moment. To reassure them and let them know that Jaime and Kate always work their magic, and things are simply perfect because of these two amazing women. 

Thank you ladies for once again blowing us away with your talent.  We just love these pictures!! 

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