Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hi all! It's intern Avery!

I am pleased to inform you that I am taking over the media portion of Rare Love! I will keep you updated on recent Rare Love news and information along with styles and other fun stuff, so please go check out our new and improved instagram account Rare_Love_Photography for stylistic, fun photos and check back here every day for our daily blog post!

Considering this is my first blog post and also "rambling Wednesday" day, I have plenty to talk about. First of all, interning with Rare Love Photography was the best decision I could have made for my senior year of high school. Working with the three wonderful women that make up Rare Love is definitely the highlight of each day. I get to do what I love and learn more and more each day.

While working with Rare Love, I have tons of opportunities to stretch my creative muscles. For example, I had the chance to design Rare Love's new business cards! It's the best feeling to see my work come alive and to be able to give my input and help in such an amazing business. There is never a dull moment at the studio and I am so excited to continue my internship through the rest of the school year and hopefully beyond that. 

Here are just a few of my favorite photos from shoots that I have already been able to be a part of. 

Intern Avery

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