Monday, October 20, 2014

Who inspires you...

     As I am sitting here thinking who/what inspires me, I think about something that I love to do... and one of those things is taking pictures. This leads me to my inspiration; Kate, Jaime, and Jenny, my "bosses." They inspire me each day that I am with them. They teach me how to be a better photographer and business owner just by watching how they run this business. Just in the past few days, I have gone out on my own and done some pictures of my close friends and would think "How do they do it?" and "How can I do it just like they do but in my own style?" You could say that I want to be just like them when I grow up :) They inspire me to be a better photographer. That means practice... These are a few of the pictures I took a few days ago, inspired by my passion and by my "teachers"

Intern Avery 

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