Thursday, January 29, 2015

Little light of a newborn... Mr. C

This is little guy is a sign of hope and light for his family. At the beginning of 2014 this family lost two very close people to them. Two remarkable, courageous men that were world changers. Wesley and Dan left this world a better place just by the way they led their lives with dignity, strength and honor. So this baby boy's birth at the end of 2014 was just what this family needed. This little boy will undoubtedly be remarkable and courageous......just like them men he is named after.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Getting Real with Jenny... This Crazy Thing Called Life!

When I finally take a second to breathe, and I look back on all that has changed over the last year I can barely comprehend it all.  In just one year, 365 days, so much has changed in our lives and we could not be happier.

Last year this time... I was unpacking boxes and getting settled into our new home, conveniently located in Jaime (and Rare Love's) backyard.

A year ago I was tutoring and still clinging to any remnants of my previous life as a teacher.

A year ago our sweet baby girl Molly had not arrived yet and we truly had no idea what we were in for, or how much one person could change our lives.


A year ago my middle son Jackson had not yet been diagnosed with severe apraxia and we could not figure out why he wasn' t talking.
Now, we cannot get him to be quiet. :) For this we are so incredibly thankful!!

A year ago my oldest, Caden, was in his first year of pre-school and was having trouble leaving us and would cry quite often.  Who knew a year later he would be a brave 5 year old, a great older brother, and only have a few occasional tears.

Last year I had no idea that Rare Love Photography would be a part of me and my daily life.  This time last year I had not yet scheduled my newborn session with Molly, Jaime and I were friends and neighbors, and my path had not yet crossed Kate's.

At this time last year I did not know that I would be breathing photography 24 hours a day. Texting, calling, and meeting with these lovely ladies on a daily basis and pouring my time, energy, and my heart into Rare Love Photography.

Last year I did not know that I would own my own camera, and understand lighting or shutter speed. I had no idea I would understand Photoshop or be able to edit pictures.

The amount that has changed in my life and my family's life over the past year is simply astounding. This crazy thing called life is quite a ride.  I am trying to take it all in and enjoy the stressful times with the fun times and just focus on being thankful for all the blessings that have fallen upon us. Rare Love has been a true gift to me and I plan to continue to pay it forward and share that gift with everyone that becomes a part of the Rare Love family.

I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for my family and of course for my Rare Love Family!! In the meantime I need to breathe and remember more than anything else....

Mr. C is a 1 year old!

This scrumptious guy is full of sweetness from head to toe. He makes us work for his smiles.......but aw that little smile is so worth it. The perk about his sessions are that we get to spend time with his family!! They are so much fun!! His mom does the most incredible animal sounds, especially an elephant, that we have ever heard. We told her we need to hire her for all our 1 year old shoots!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The B ladies!

Words to describe this family would be sweet, sensitive, beautiful from head to toe, vibrant and full of life. This family has had their fair share of hard times......but every day they choose to embrace life and rejoice in the Lord. They are such an example of perseverance and never giving up. Brookes ladies you are amazing!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Little Miss A!

Sweet Ava! She is bright, funny, and full of joy! We have known miss Ava since she was born. She is from Massachusetts and we love when she comes to visit. She is a big Red Sox fan too! When Jaime got a phone call from her best friend, she just knew that she was going to announce that she was pregnant, and now little miss Ava is spreading joy everywhere she goes! We love this little sweetheart!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Getting real with Avery...My first session!

Yesterday I set up, directed, styled, and took pictures at my first 6-month session. This session was significant in testing my skills and what I have learned from my incredible teachers/bosses. They have opened up my eyes to a whole new world of studio photography and creativity. Jaime and Kate are amazing teachers and I am proud of the areas that I have grown in while interning with them.

This session could not have gone any better with bubbles, smirking, and giggling. I had the delight and honor of photographing my scrumptious niece, Lilian Nora. This little fox loves standing in her exer-saucer, holding her own bottle, being naked, and making elephant noises! Don't you just want to kiss and squeeze her sweet little face?

Intern Avery

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The C family.. and the cold!

We always love hearing from past clients when they have new seasons in their lives! 
This special family was getting ready to send off their son and his family to Alaska where he will be stationed. The cold, windy day couldn't have prevented us from capturing this moment for them! C family, you warmed up the day with your smiles, your laughter, your devotion to the New England Patriots and your unconditional love for each other! Praying for this new season, new adventures and continued growth for you all!