Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Getting Real With Jaime...

I run. Do you run? Do you walk? Do you elliptical? Do you Zumba? What are your New Year’s resolutions? Do you make resolutions? If you do, what measures do you take to help ensure you keep them? I’m intrigued now…so, please do tell!

My resolution for 2014 was to run another marathon. But not just for the fun of it. Because you know running 26.2 miles is SO fun!!! I wanted to do something meaningful, I wanted the miles that I logged to have a lasting difference. I wanted the time and sweat that I was going to put into training for the marathon to make a difference. In April 2014, I signed up for my 4th marathon and I made the decision to do it for the Haiti Partnership for orphans that is tied to my kids preschool.
I ran the Steamtown Marathon in Scranton, Pa (here’s the website - in case you want to sign up this year! J ) It was an incredible experience. I knew that it was about more than just me. I had some incredible family and friends support this journey from start to finish! They supported me financially, they supported me during the long miles I was putting in and they supported me through prayer and encouragement.

God met me along this journey and spoke to me in ways that still have me in awe! My training wasn’t smooth, wasn’t easy and certainly wasn’t pretty! But He got me through it. He carried me when I couldn’t carry myself. He brought new friends into my life to help run each training mile with me! During the marathon, I met some amazing people! One of them even sponsored my marathon fundraising efforts! I, by nature, am a social runner, you know the kind that loves to run but loves to run even more when friends are involved, when fellowship is involved, when venting and having someone nod and understand my every sentence is involved. You know – that kind! So running a marathon by myself was DAUNTING! God reminded me that each step I took, the children of Haiti would equally take to have an ounce of the amenities that I have in my life. Sobering. Humbling to say the least.

And then at mile 21, when all I wanted to do was stop, one of my favorite songs came over Pandora – “He knows my name” by Francesca Battistelli ( and I could hear a whisper in my heart was the soft voice of the God that created me, that moved my heart to run, that stirred my tired legs to do something. I heard Him say, “Jaime, I know the names of each one of those orphans. I know them.” And be still my heart, I was determined to finish the race even if I had to crawl across the finish.

Since the marathon, I have been presented with many challenges. Some have needed a resolution. Some have needed a quiet heart in order to hear the Lord’s direction on it. Some needed the wisdom of a wiser mentor. Whatever the situation, I am plowing into 2015 with new resolve, with a renewed heart and mind, with a stronger passion to KNOW my God as much as He knows me. Had I not run the marathon, I may not be embracing this tiny but oh so important life concept that the Holy Spirit whispered to me on that October day in Scranton.

My prayer for you is that your 2015 will be filled with abundant joy and overwhelming love. Challenges that make you run to a loving God. Resolutions that speak to your heart and will provide you with new opportunities to grow. 

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