Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Inspiration.. The final goal.

Lately, I've been learning a lot about pushing myself to reach the final goal. For example, many people make new year's resolutions and work towards that goal through the year. 
For Rare Love, its hoping to do a number of sessions and connecting with more people to help the RLP community grow!

I heard a friend speaking at church last week about this topic as well. He pointed out that reaching for a goal requires consistency. Working each day with consistency for your goal and never giving up. 

This is Intern Avery and as my school year reaches the half point, the senioritis is most definitely setting in. Waking up at 6:40 each morning is not exactly ideal. My goal is college. This means a lot of things. I must be consistent with finishing all of my school work so that I get good grades; I must apply for scholarships as they appear; I must study for my SAT & ACT to get more scholarships, etc! The list seems endless and the work seems impossible, but it reduces when I remember my final goal and desires. 

The finally goal is our inspiration today! Look forward to the reward of your actions and let it drive you to be who you want to be and accomplish big things! 

Intern Avery

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