Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Getting Real with Jenny... This Crazy Thing Called Life!

When I finally take a second to breathe, and I look back on all that has changed over the last year I can barely comprehend it all.  In just one year, 365 days, so much has changed in our lives and we could not be happier.

Last year this time... I was unpacking boxes and getting settled into our new home, conveniently located in Jaime (and Rare Love's) backyard.

A year ago I was tutoring and still clinging to any remnants of my previous life as a teacher.

A year ago our sweet baby girl Molly had not arrived yet and we truly had no idea what we were in for, or how much one person could change our lives.


A year ago my middle son Jackson had not yet been diagnosed with severe apraxia and we could not figure out why he wasn' t talking.
Now, we cannot get him to be quiet. :) For this we are so incredibly thankful!!

A year ago my oldest, Caden, was in his first year of pre-school and was having trouble leaving us and would cry quite often.  Who knew a year later he would be a brave 5 year old, a great older brother, and only have a few occasional tears.

Last year I had no idea that Rare Love Photography would be a part of me and my daily life.  This time last year I had not yet scheduled my newborn session with Molly, Jaime and I were friends and neighbors, and my path had not yet crossed Kate's.

At this time last year I did not know that I would be breathing photography 24 hours a day. Texting, calling, and meeting with these lovely ladies on a daily basis and pouring my time, energy, and my heart into Rare Love Photography.

Last year I did not know that I would own my own camera, and understand lighting or shutter speed. I had no idea I would understand Photoshop or be able to edit pictures.

The amount that has changed in my life and my family's life over the past year is simply astounding. This crazy thing called life is quite a ride.  I am trying to take it all in and enjoy the stressful times with the fun times and just focus on being thankful for all the blessings that have fallen upon us. Rare Love has been a true gift to me and I plan to continue to pay it forward and share that gift with everyone that becomes a part of the Rare Love family.

I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for my family and of course for my Rare Love Family!! In the meantime I need to breathe and remember more than anything else....

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