Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 in Review

To say that we have been blessed this past year would be a complete understatement.  There simply are not enough words for us to describe all that we have experienced this past year.  We have grown so much as photographers, as a company, and of course as a family, the Rare Love Family.

We have cuddled and snuggled newborns, we have chased 1 year olds, we have begged tweens to smile, shot pictures while dripping in sweat in the middle of the summer, snapped away in a snow storm, wadded in the middle of the yellow breeches, climbed on top of anything and everything to get a great shot, and laid on the grass as well.  We have met new friends and reconnected with old friends.  We have listened to amazing stories, met incredible families, and shared stories of our own.

We have enjoyed every.single.second that we have been lucky enough to spend with each one of our clients.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for making 2014 the best year yet for Rare Love Photography.

We hope to see all of you back for yet another amazing year in 2015!! Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

"And suddenly there was the angel,
a multitude of the heavenly host,
praising God and saying:
"Glory to God in the highest.""
~ Luke 2:13

Today we celebrate the greatest gift given to us. May you be filled with love, joy and peace this season.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year.

God made

Christmas happen
friends make
christmas beautifull
music makes
christmas festive
giving makes
christmas joyous
love makes

christmas complete!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The K Family & Engagement!

This family is near and dear to us at Rare Love. Doreen is a NICU nurse and was there to help support and guide Kate and Samuel through their journey at the Harrisburg hospital. They are such a loving, happy, and playful family and we were so excited to be able to bless them with a session as they have blessed many others around them. We were also able to squeeze in this sweet couple's engagement pictures in the same session.        

Monday, December 22, 2014

Little Reindeer Victor

This sweet boy is as happy as can be. Little Victor is Kate's nephew and we had a fun time trying to make him smile and giggle. He loved all the dress up with the the superman cape, the polar bear claws, and the reindeer antlers! The Christmas spirit is flowing in the Rare Love Studio.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Favorites.. Christmas Movies!

We all look forward to that ABC Family Christmas movie MARATHON! It is one of the best things about the season.. and since it only comes around once a year, we never get tired of those old classics! 
Some of our favorite christmas movies include... 

1) A Christmas Story

Of course! ... "You'll shoot your eye out!"

2) Home Alone

"I made my family disappear!" 

3) How the Grinch Stole Christmas

"The nerve of those Whos. Inviting me down there - on such short notice! Even if I wanted to go my schedule wouldn't allow it. 4:00, wallow in self pity; 4:30, stare into the abyss; 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one; 5:30, jazzercize; 6:30, dinner with me - I can't cancel that again; 7:00, wrestle with my self-loathing... I'm booked. Of course, if I bump the loathing to 9, I could still be done in time to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness. But what would I wear?"

4) Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation

Clark- "Aunt Bethany would you say the grace?"
Aunt Bethany- "Grace. Didn't she pass away 30 years ago?"


Elf of course... and this is one movie that you can watch year round.
"I'm a cotton headed ninny muggins"
"SANTAA! Oh my god! I know him!"
"Smiling's my favorite"
"Im singing! I'm in a store and I'm singing!"

6) Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The S Family

This family just moved back to this area. They seem to be enjoying being around family. With two sets of twins and an older brother, this family is always fun and lively. It was a beautiful day in Mt. Gretna to stroll around, enjoying this families full-of-life personalities! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Getting real with Avery.. My Christmas Traditions!

 Its my turn to share my christmas traditions!
Christmas has always been my favorite time of year.. the smells, the decorations, the snow (sometimes). As presents get added to the tree, I would always count how many were mine, my sister's, brother's, etc.

Every christmas morning.. whoever woke up the earliest would wake up the rest of the kids.. this was usually me and my sister waking up at 6 ish when we were super young.. of course the time got later and later as we grew older. As soon as all the kids were awake.. we would sit on the stairs that lead to the living room and were not allowed to go in until mom and dad said they were ready. Once the signal was given, it was a battle to get to the room first..

Each year we choose someone to be santa claus.. usually me.. who passes out presents and we open them one by one

While we are opening.. sticky buns are in the oven for our big christmas breakfast with country bacon and sausage. 

Last but definitely not least.. Stockings! I have never seen a better stocking stuffer than my mom.. so beautifully put together just to get dumped out.. filled with candy, a new toothbrush, and mini wrapped hidden presents. 

Usually the rest of the day consists of family time, present organizing, and family time :)

Have a wonderful Holiday and Merry Christmas :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The W Family

We have a personal connection with this wonderful family! The siblings were so kind to each other. This fun energetic family portrayed their joy through their photos. This session brought us so much love and happiness and I believe we can all agree that they are one stylish bunch!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday Inspiration... Christmas!

It's that time of year in our daily lives of school and work that all we look forward to is Christmas break! As if it is the only thing keeping us going... longing for those few weeks off to relax and have priceless time with family and friends. It will soon be the time where the christmas rush is over, waking up super early for school/work doesn't cross your mind, traditions fall into place, and time with loved ones is cherished. 

Some things that inspire me to finished the week until christmas break...

1) Family
 The siblings will all be together in the same house for the first time in a long time! This seems to be the best part about holiday's.. reuniting!

2) Presents
We all love getting presents... but I think that my favorite part about presents is giving... then seeing the reaction of the person you are giving them too.. The wallet gets a beating but in the end, it is completely worth it to bless someone and show them you love them.
(You can tell I'm excited because I was the first to put my presents under the tree for my family;)

3) Sticky Buns!
Mom makes the BEST sticky buns on christmas morning!!

4) New Years!
Bringing in the new year surrounded by people you love and more traditions!

{Happy Holidays}

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Getting Real with Kate

Getting real with Kate Del Rio………

In Lieu of Christmas I thought I would talk about traditions.  It seems like families have more traditions around Christmas time then other times of the year. Traditions are a funny thing.  Usually they only mean something to the person or persons that continue to do them. And sometimes they seem silly to everyone else that hears about them. But to the people that have traditions and repeat them ever year those traditions are so sacred and special. 
[truh-dish-uh n]
-the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth or by practice:

“a story that has come down to us by popular tradition.”

How cool is that…..the handing down of statements and beliefs.

My favorite “Hart” family tradition is every Christmas Eve my family acts out the nativity. (Hart is my maiden name) Yes….you heard me right!  We all go and grab towels, belts and robes and get ready for our roles. My Dad gets his bible and begins to read from the book of Luke about the birth of a baby that changed the world. We all start moving around the room acting out the different accounts of that special night in Bethlehem.  We have so much fun doing it! We all have our certain roles we do every year. I have always been Mary. My sisters always wanted to be Mary….but they were better suited for shepherds and angels roles. The oldest of the family has certain rights. So I am always Mary:)……ha ha until 2 years ago when I naturally passed the baton to Ella (with proper training of course). 

An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.      Do you like the sheep? Aka: Samson my sister’s toy poodle.

This was my last year of being Mary.

Passing the baton to Ella. She was a great Mary.

 A few years ago

Love the effect of the angel on the chair

It is hard to be a good Mary when baby Jesus is not cooperating! Ha ha

And next years I will share about how we hide the nativity out in the woods and on Christmas night we bundle up while holding candles and go find the Christ child and then sing Christmas carols! Ha ha…..no seriously…. true story!
Share your special traditions in the comment section!! We would love to hear what your family does during the holiday season.