Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Getting Real with Kate

Getting real with Kate Del Rio………

In Lieu of Christmas I thought I would talk about traditions.  It seems like families have more traditions around Christmas time then other times of the year. Traditions are a funny thing.  Usually they only mean something to the person or persons that continue to do them. And sometimes they seem silly to everyone else that hears about them. But to the people that have traditions and repeat them ever year those traditions are so sacred and special. 
[truh-dish-uh n]
-the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth or by practice:

“a story that has come down to us by popular tradition.”

How cool is that…..the handing down of statements and beliefs.

My favorite “Hart” family tradition is every Christmas Eve my family acts out the nativity. (Hart is my maiden name) Yes….you heard me right!  We all go and grab towels, belts and robes and get ready for our roles. My Dad gets his bible and begins to read from the book of Luke about the birth of a baby that changed the world. We all start moving around the room acting out the different accounts of that special night in Bethlehem.  We have so much fun doing it! We all have our certain roles we do every year. I have always been Mary. My sisters always wanted to be Mary….but they were better suited for shepherds and angels roles. The oldest of the family has certain rights. So I am always Mary:)……ha ha until 2 years ago when I naturally passed the baton to Ella (with proper training of course). 

An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.      Do you like the sheep? Aka: Samson my sister’s toy poodle.

This was my last year of being Mary.

Passing the baton to Ella. She was a great Mary.

 A few years ago

Love the effect of the angel on the chair

It is hard to be a good Mary when baby Jesus is not cooperating! Ha ha

And next years I will share about how we hide the nativity out in the woods and on Christmas night we bundle up while holding candles and go find the Christ child and then sing Christmas carols! Ha ha… seriously…. true story!
Share your special traditions in the comment section!! We would love to hear what your family does during the holiday season.

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