Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday Favorites... A few of our favorite things!!

It's that time of year that everyone is making their wish lists and hoping that they end up on the "nice" list.  We are human here are Rare Love and of course have a few things that we are wishing for this holiday season too. Some are fun, some are silly, and some are serious.  Take a peek into what we would love to open on Christmas morning.

1.) A cute new camera bag. (See last week's post for more ideas!)

2.) Fingerless gloves.  As the weather gets colder and colder we need a little extra warmth as we continue to click away outdoors.

3.) An inspiring quote, preferably framed, that reminds us why we do what we do.

4.) These incredible camera straps are a constant topic of conversation at Rare Love.  We all want one but just haven't decided which ones we want.

5.) More time to edit, more energy to edit, and all the coffee necessary to complete our editing.

6.) This falls into our silly category, but it's honestly true!

7.) Finally, the last thing we wish for is time to rest, catch up on some much needed sleep, and be refreshed and ready to start out another amazing year of creating memories with Rare Love.

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