Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Getting real with Avery.. My Christmas Traditions!

 Its my turn to share my christmas traditions!
Christmas has always been my favorite time of year.. the smells, the decorations, the snow (sometimes). As presents get added to the tree, I would always count how many were mine, my sister's, brother's, etc.

Every christmas morning.. whoever woke up the earliest would wake up the rest of the kids.. this was usually me and my sister waking up at 6 ish when we were super young.. of course the time got later and later as we grew older. As soon as all the kids were awake.. we would sit on the stairs that lead to the living room and were not allowed to go in until mom and dad said they were ready. Once the signal was given, it was a battle to get to the room first..

Each year we choose someone to be santa claus.. usually me.. who passes out presents and we open them one by one

While we are opening.. sticky buns are in the oven for our big christmas breakfast with country bacon and sausage. 

Last but definitely not least.. Stockings! I have never seen a better stocking stuffer than my mom.. so beautifully put together just to get dumped out.. filled with candy, a new toothbrush, and mini wrapped hidden presents. 

Usually the rest of the day consists of family time, present organizing, and family time :)

Have a wonderful Holiday and Merry Christmas :)

1 comment:

  1. Avery!! We have the same traditions!! Waiting on the steps.....stockings last!! and I mom is the best stocking stuffer!! We have a rule in our family though that when you get married your spouse takes over:(.......Rey is getting much better after 11 years!! ha ha
