Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Getting real with Jenny and avoiding the Holidaze!

It's that time of year that we find ourselves overwhelmed with all that is going on and falling into a blur or Holidaze if you will, rather than enjoying the actual Holidays.

Here in the Slatt household we are guilty of spending the entire month of December decorating, buying, wrapping, rushing out for last minute gifts, baking dozens of cookies, attending numerous holiday parties, and in turn not really enjoying any of it.  This year we made a decision to try and have all of our buying and wrapping done before the first of December.  We did this so that we could have time to sit as a family, enjoy the holiday, and really soak in the true meaning of Christmas. Truth be told.. it's December 3rd and we still have a few gifts to purchase and a tree to put up this weekend, but other than that we are in great shape.

Life goes by just way too fast and we did not want to squander away another year  to the crazy curse of the Holidaze.  We want to enjoy our family and friends, cherish the traditions that have been passed down by our families, and just for once, relax.

From both The Slatt Family and The Rare Love Family, we wish you a calm and memorable Holiday season with your own family.

Below are a few pictures of some cherished traditions that continue to be carried on in our family.

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